Get a real-time view of the execution of your processes with process mining

Introduction to Process mining : optimization with Celonis and UiPath

Process Mining is a revolutionary data analysis technique, offering a detailed visualization and significant optimization of business processes within your business. Thanks to a strategic partnership with technology leaders like Celonis and UiPath, StoryShaper employs the most advanced technologies to dissect and improve your business processes.

By exploiting real business data, these sophisticated tools accurately map your operations, allowing in-depth analysis and the transformation of insights into concrete and measurable actions. This advanced methodology paves the way for unprecedented understanding and optimal management of your operations, ushering in an era of transparency and operational efficiency.

Benefits and approach to process mining

The adoption of Process Mining radically transforms your perception and management of operational processes. The benefits are multiple: increased transparency, improved efficiency, and rapid identification of congestion points or process inconsistencies. Our collaborations with Celonis and UiPath enrich your decision-making strategy through real-time analytics. These analyses offer a panoramic view of operations and reveal the real behavior of your employees, thanks to tools such as process mining and task capture. These advanced technologies equip you to act with precision, addressing inefficiencies and capitalizing on opportunities for improvement.

Create a realistic image illustrating the theme of 'process mining'. Numerous humanoid robots are depicted conducting in-depth analyses and investigations, searching for clues and analyzing traces within a vast expanse of data. This scene should capture the essence of process mining, where technology is used to discover, monitor, and improve real processes by extracting knowledge from event logs readily available in today's systems. The setting should resemble a high-tech lab or a data analysis center, filled with digital screens, interfaces, and holograms displaying complex data patterns and analytics. The dominant colors of the composition should be deep violet (#282270) and dark blue (#180D5B), creating a visually cohesive and striking aesthetic that emphasizes the sophisticated technology and the analytical prowess of the robots in uncovering and optimizing business processes. The image should have a 16:9 aspect ratio, effectively conveying the dynamic and intricate nature of process mining.

Project phase: from data collection to implementation

The Process Mining project starts with a crucial phase of identifying and collecting data directly from your existing systems. After securing a robust database, we deploy Celonis's cutting-edge technology to dive into detailed analysis of your business processes. The results of this analysis are carefully examined to design targeted and pragmatic action plans. With the advanced automation features of Celonis and UiPath, we can implement these plans quickly and effectively, ensuring tangible, long-term improvements. In addition, we offer extensive training to ensure that your team is fully familiar with the new tools and processes, facilitating a smooth transition to increased operational efficiency.

Main questions answered during a process mining project:

  • What business processes in your company would benefit the most from Process Mining?
  • How to integrate Process Mining solutions with your existing systems?
  • How to measure the return on investment (ROI) of a Process Mining initiative?
  • What skills are needed to effectively use Process Mining tools?
  • How can our partnership with Celonis and UiPath maximize the efficiency of your Process Mining project?

Are you interested in knowing more about how to improve your operations with AI and automation?